

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Tugas dari Pak Tyas ^^

Name:  ______________________________________________________  NIM: _______________ Rombel: ______________

                                                                                                                                                                                Tanda Tangan:

  1. Lembar kertas ini DIFOTOKOPI DULU, setiap orang pegang 2 lembar.
  2. Di kertas petama, lakukan analisis sampai selesai dengan bulat-kuning (preposition), garis bawah biru tunggal (verb), garis bawah biru ganda (PV, termasuk PV utk adjective/adverbial clause), segitiga hitam (determiner), kotak merah (headword).
  3. Salin tanda-tanda hasil analisis ke kertas kedua.
  4. Tuliskan terjemahan di bawah kalimat.
  5. Kumpulkan hasilnya di meja Pak Tyas, paling lambat Rabu 16 November jam 09.00.

One technique for comparing mRNA with genomic DNA is to hybridize the mRNA with the complementary strand of the DNA.

If the two sequences are colinear, a duplex is formed.

Figure 2 shows a typical result when an RNA made from an uninterrupted gene is hybridized with a DNA that includes the gene.

The sequences on either side of the gene are not represented in the RNA, but the sequence of the gene hybridizes with the RNA to form a continuous duplex region.

Suppose we now perform the same experiment with RNA made from an interrupted gene.

The difference is that the sequences represented in mRNA lie on either side of a sequence that is not in the mRNA.

Figure 3 shows that the RNA-DNA hybrid forms a duplex, but the nonreacting sequence in the middle remains single-stranded, forming a loop that extrudes from the duplex.

Teman .. ini tugas dari pak Tyas Pribadi ^^ sep >< 

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